College News & Events

97 Club Induction

February 23, 2024

On Wednesday, we had the great pleasure of hosting 13 students from the Class of 2023 to be inducted into our 97 Club. These students achieved an ATAR in 2023 of 97 of above – an average scaled score of at least 80% in their four best ATAR courses. A truly amazing achievement!

We were thrilled to be joined by their proud 2023 PCAs and Head of Year 12, Mr Williamson, who watched on as Ms Mandy Connor, the Director of Teaching and Learning at Catholic Education WA, presented the certificates to our 97 Club Inductees. Our 2023 College Dux and highest ATAR of 99.7, Aimee Robbins, spoke to our current Year 12 students about taking every opportunity this year because “they will regret not doing something but never regret doing it.” She spoke about balance and making sure there is time for study, work, leisure, family and self. 

We also recognised Ella Pyke who achieved the highest mark in the State of 91.3% in her WACE Religion and Life ATAR examination, receiving a Subject Exhibition Award from the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). Ella’s Religion and Life teacher and Head of Learning Area for Religious Education, Mr Panizza, proudly accepted her Award on her behalf. 

Chisholm Catholic College also co-sponsors a special scholarship for a student studying at the University of Notre Dame this year to pay for the first year’s tuition fees, up to a maximum of $12,000. The 2024 recipient was our 2023 College Prefect, Nicole Nesbit, who has begun her Bachelor of Nursing course. Whilst we are so very proud of the 97 Club inductees, Ella and Nicole, the achievements of the Class of 2023 were outstanding and we could easily have had all 261 students in attendance to celebrate each of their successes. We encourage all our students to continue to make the most of all the opportunities at the College and strive for their own excellence in 2024.

Mrs Nicole Huggins
Deputy Principal – Excellence

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