Specialist Programmes

Gifted & Talented

Stellatus, the Latin term for brilliant, starry or glittering, is the name of the specialist programme for academically gifted and talented students at Chisholm. At Chisholm we celebrate diversity and aim to foster the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of each child. A Chisholm Catholic College education is challenging, engaging and intentional.

In the Stellatus Gifted and Talented Programme, our vision is for children to reach their maximum potential by developing the whole child. Small groups of the most exceptionally able students in Years 7, 8 and 9 take part in a variety of exciting cross-curricula projects and challenges, outside of the normal school curriculum. The socio-emotional needs of gifted students are also supported through the programme.

Gifted and talented children come from diverse cultural, linguistic and socio-economic backgrounds. Students are mainly identified through testing during Year 6, but there are also opportunities for subsequent selection. The top 10% of the cohort are withdrawn twice a week for small group work for their Stellatus class.

Learning Support

Our Learning Support team offer a number of programmes designed to target specific learning difficulties with regard to reading, writing and numeracy.

The ‘LANGS’ (Literacy and Numeracy grouped support) programme, is designed for students with significant learning difficulties in reading, writing and numeracy. The programme runs two periods a week from Year 7 to 9. The programme is structured intervention that aims to cultivate both functional literacy and numeracy skills in the initiating years of secondary education.

Our Learning support team runs two tuition programmes; ‘Alpha to Omega’ and ‘OLNA skills’. Alpha to Omega is a structured and systematic evidence-based programme targeting literacy skills in Years 7 and 8. The programme is designed to develop foundation skills in literacy, offering a linguistic, structured phonics-based approach to reading and writing.

OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) support is provided to students in Years 10,11 and 12 who have not met the prerequisites to pass the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment that is required to achieve WACE. Students who have been identified are supported in small groups in the areas of Reading, Writing and Numeracy.

We also have a team of Educational Assistants who further support students identified with specific learning needs within the classroom, across all areas of the curriculum.

Aboriginal Education

The Aboriginal Education Team provides a culturally safe space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students within the College. They deliver a range of workshops, incursions, excursions and professional development throughout the year to all students and staff.

Chisholm Catholic College is committed to the CEWA “Transforming Lives: Strategy 2025” and creating an inclusive and outstanding learning environment for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families.

Our Aboriginal Education Plan outlines a variety of opportunities for engagement, through which we aim to improve educational outcomes for our Aboriginal students and increase Aboriginal perspectives and cultural awareness amongst all staff and students.

Our Aboriginal students have weekly catch-ups in Aboriginal PCG and at other times as required, and an incursion or workshop each term. Our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, in conjunction with our Careers Counsellor, guide our Aboriginal students with their future academic pathways and opportunities.

Please click here for more information.

Resource for Reconciliation Week

The 2021 Senior Australian of the Year, Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr, introduced the spiritual concept and practice of Dadirri as a gift for all Australians, a gift that opens the way for listening deeply and for opening connections and relationships essential for Reconciliation.

Click here to learn more about Dadirri.


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