College Advisory Council
The College Advisory Council undertakes an important governance responsibility in overseeing the financial operation and capital development planning for the College.
Within this mandate, the elected Advisory Council is called upon to provide a supportive role to the Principal in leading the College community. Through convened monthly meetings and representation on various Advisory Council Committees, Advisory Council members assist with specific consultation and input to annual budgeting and overall strategic planning.
The current College Advisory Council consists of:
- Mr Graham Adam, Business Manager
- Mr Glen Jacobsen, Advisory Council Chair
- Mr John Bormolini, Principal
- Mrs Melanie Underwood, Executive Assistant to the Principal
- Sr Mary Ryan
Mrs Maria Russo Dropulich
- Mr Scott Bradley
- Mrs Natasha D’Souza
- Mr Christopher Lambert
- Dr Laila Simpson
- Mrs Marianne Suarez
Parent Engagement Group
The Parent Engagement Group makes an important contribution to building the Chisholm Catholic College community.
The Parent Engagement Group provides opportunities to foster positive relationships between home and school, as well as to encourage interaction amongst parents and the wider College community. In addition to our Parent Engagement Group members, a wider parent group may be contacted for their support and assistance of particular events or advice regarding other College matters requiring parent voice.
The aim of the Parent Engagement Group:
- to provide feedback and act as a reference group for the College
- to co-ordinate parent volunteers for social and other College events
Since its establishment in 1989, Chisholm Catholic College has retained its connection to its roots and history.
The College Alumni is a very active body of ex-students, keen to continually maintain and strengthen links, and to give back to our school community. Significant numbers of our parents are former students. The Alumni Committee meets monthly and runs various events during the year that are open to the entire community. Our Alumni are involved in a number of ways that seek to maintain a supportive connection with Chisholm such as with our Year 12 students as they prepare to journey into the future. A member of the College Executive Leadership team acts as a specific liaison with our Alumni.
Chris Lambert (Class of 1991) is the current President of our College Alumni.
If you would like to be part of the Alumni mailing list, please complete this registration form below. If you would like to assist our Alumni Committee or have any Alumni queries, please contact