College News & Events

Aboriginal Education Incursion – Art Mural

April 7, 2022

On Tuesday 5 April, Aboriginal students and staff were fortunate to welcome Linda Loo and her husband Bruce Loo to their incursion in which together they drafted an art mural that Linda is painting for the Aboriginal Education Office.

The students spent two periods each in the Aboriginal Education Office to help design the mural and write the story of what the mural means. The students decided that they want to incorporate land and water animals which represent strength and health. They also thought it was crucial to incorporate the school’s location, being near Hillcrest which was a significant gathering and hunting area for the local Wadjuk Noongars many years ago. Together the students decided to name the mural ‘Strong Place of Growth and Knowledge’.

Linda is a Wadjuk/Balladong Nyoongar woman who began painting as part of her self-healing journey. Painting gives her a sense of spiritual connection and family well-being.

Bruce was instrumental in helping the students with the language for most of the artwork.

Miss Amy McGuire
Aboriginal Liaison Officer

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