College News & Events

Annual Community Dinner

November 11, 2021

Christmas cheer commenced at Chisholm on Monday night with our Annual Community Dinner, when our staffroom was filled with fun, laughter and frivolity. College Principal, John Bormolini, thanked more than 60 volunteers for their generous service this year in various areas of our community – the Chisholm Alumni Committee, Parent Engagement Group, Canteen, Uniform Shop, Production or Music. A delicious dinner catered by Full Belly Catering was followed by the distribution of Thank you gifts and the return of the ever-popular lolly station.

Thank you to Aimee Iacusso for her wonderful organisation, our Administration, Executive Leadership and Community Relations Teams and Graham Adam for helping to create an evening of appreciation for our valued volunteers.

Mrs Fiona Millimaci
Deputy Principal – Community

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