College News & Events

Artwork at META Art Exhibition

July 19, 2024

On Tuesday evening, after the Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews, I had the pleasure of meeting more parents and students at the opening of the META Art Exhibition. Three of our very talented ATAR Visual Arts students had their paintings selected, showcasing Chisholm’s exceptional creativity in the Arts. The wonderful works selected are The Feast of Tomorrow by Mihaela Stojkoska, Sporting Serenity by Ella Scampoli, and To the Colony by Michelle Tran.

The META Art Exhibition showcases innovative and exciting creative works completed by Year 11 and 12 students in Western Australia, highlighting extraordinary art, design and photography produced by talented high school students in the State. The Exhibition will be held from 16 July to 1 August 2024. The venue for the Exhibition is GALLERY CENTRAL, located at North Metropolitan TAFE, 12 Aberdeen Street, Perth.

Mr Jason Auld
Head of Learning Area – Creative Design and Technology

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