College News & Events

Australian Mathematics Competition

August 7, 2024

After three weeks of preparation, approximately 350 students competed in the Australian Mathematics Competition on Thursday. By participating in this competition, students were able to draw on their problem-solving skills to solve abstract problems.

A huge thank you must be extended to Ms Julie Campbell and Mrs Joanne Zimarino for their coordination of the competition. The teachers within the Mathematics Department must also be acknowledged for assisting their students with the preparation. Congratulations to all of the students who participated.

Try this question from the 2023 Australian Mathematics Competition Intermediate Division.

The elves have to choose who will go to the annual magic conference. They sit in a circle and the chief elf Elvin starts counting round the circle, starting with himself. Every second elf counted drops out of the circle and the counting continues until Elvin drops out. All those left in the circle go to the conference.
This year, there are 1000 elves in the circle. How many will go to the conference?

Mathematics Department

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