College News & Events

Book Week

August 22, 2024

The school has been abuzz as the library celebrated all things Children’s Book WeekÂź. The library staff created fun activities for students and staff alike. We started with the House Shelf Shuttle, where students carried books on their heads to a trolley at the end of the track. They were then tasked with placing the books in the order that they would be on the library shelves. Keenan House’s superior knowledge of the alphabet saw them take out first place. Other activities have included ‘Guess The Book In The Jar’ and quizzes for staff and PCGs. Congratulations to the winner of the ‘Guess The Book In The Jar Competition’: Phillip Rologas from Year 8!

Earlier in the term students were given the chance to design bookmarks on this year’s theme “Reading is Magic” and to have the winning designs professionally printed. The winners were: Emma McGrath, Leya Louis and Jasmyn Luong.

The highlight of the week is the Book Week lunch where the top readers and regular library users are treated to a pizza lunch. The top readers in each year group receive a book voucher, with the top overall reader taking home assorted prizes. The winners were:

Year 7: Mack Fiumano
Year 8: Riley Thomas
Year 9: Ethan Johnson
Year 10: Eleni Chapman
Years11/12: Georgia Carter

Ethan Johnson took home the overall award, having read 152 items in Semester One.

Big thanks go to all who took part and we can’t wait to celebrate in 2025.

Library Staff

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