Friday 23 July 2021

Welcome back to the new semester. Winter is certainly making its mark through the past weeks and we look forward to some greater sunshine, hopefully soon. This edition of the Carolean will be the last in this format as we launch our new updated website https://www.chisholm.wa.edu.au, today. Next week the Carolean will come through differently and our website will have a distinct new look. We hope that you enjoy navigating your way through its pages and that it is particularly useful for others in the wider community, wishing to know more about Chisholm Catholic College.
Mr John Bormolini

Congratulations to the students below who were inducted as Year 8 and 9 House Representatives on Wednesday this week.
On behalf of the PCAs and Year 8 and 9 students, we thank them for accepting the role of House Representative. We know they will be a big help to their PCAs and Heads of Year throughout the year.
We also acknowledge and thank the parents and special guests who took time out of their day to come along to be a part of the induction ceremony and to see their child accept this responsibility. We look forward to a wonderful semester ahead working with these student leaders.
Mr Dion Rendall – Acting Head of Year 8
Ms Anna Greene – Acting Head of Year 9

The tree planting in the main quad is the latest stage in an ongoing transformation of our grounds to be water wise and more in tune with the original flora and fauna of our region. The earlier successful establishment of native gardens on the Beaufort Street verge and front administration entrance provided a blueprint to continue within the College.
The results from a survey of our staff and students conducted by our architects last year was the confirmation that shade, greenery and seating in the quad were a very high priority.
Three mature marri trees were planted as well as six smaller red ironbark eucalypts. Over time, these trees will provide shade to an Aboriginal garden adjacent to the Cooney Centre as well as new seating and raised decking closer to the e-Learning Centre.
Concept plans created by our landscape architects also include more shade and gardens in leading up to the Music Centre and Auditorium and a memorial garden closer to the Chapel. We hope to complete all of these projects by the end of next year.
Mr Graham Adam
Business Manager
Wednesday 28 July 2021: 1:00pm-8:00pm
Each year the College offers another set of Student/Parent/Teacher interviews following the release of the Semester One Reports (posted on SEQTA Engage) and can be booked through Parent-Teacher Online (PTO). They will occur on Wednesday 28 July (Pupil Free Day) in the Br Olly Pickett Recreation Centre between 1:00pm-8:00pm.
You are invited to make an appointment with any of your child’s teachers. However it is particularly important to do so if a teacher has requested an interview with you. As most of our teachers will have full bookings, we request that you adhere to allocated times as well as print your interview schedule to bring on the day.
Appointments can be made using PTO via Useful Links & Your Child on Parent Portal. This link will be available on Friday 2 July at 1:00pm and note that bookings cannot be made before this date nor after the link is closed on Sunday 25 July at 10:00pm.
Mindful of any latest State Government and Department of Health advice, we will continue to adhere to hygiene protocols and hand sanitisers will be available at the entrance. There will be no need to register your attendance as the College will have a record of this via PTO.
Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo
Acting Deputy Principal – Administration
At the request of the Western Australian Bishops, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 9 students in Catholic schools across Western Australia will take part in The Bishops’ Religious Literacy Assessment (BRLA) from the week commencing Monday 2 August. The BRLA is a large-scale, standardised assessment programme that consists of a series of Religious Education (RE) assessments. The purpose of the BRLA is to measure student learning of the content in the RE curriculum using a combination of multiple choice, short and extended response items. Students’ faith is not assessed. The use of the BRLA complements the school-based assessment programmes in RE. The assessment will be accessible to students only online.
Year 9 students at Chisholm Catholic College will sit the assessment in Week 3.3 on Monday 2 August, Periods 1 and 2 OR Tuesday 3 August Periods 1 and 2. Class teachers will provide this information to the students.
Further information will be distributed to Year 9 students early in Term 3.
Ms Anna Greene – Head of Year 9
Mr Andrew Panizza – Head of Religious Education
The fabulous Lachie from the Groovin’ Beans Coffee Co. will be at Chisholm again on the day with his Coffee Van. Parents and guardians are most welcome to purchase from the coffee van when attending the interviews. He will be located at the end of the new changerooms in the May Street Carpark from 1pm until approximately 5pm.
Mrs Nicole Huggins
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing