For three consecutive nights Mon 9 August – Wed 11 August, Chisholm hosted the Jazz Combo/Big Band section of the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. Fifteen Catholic schools sent 26 bands to perform on our stage, showcasing a great mix of jazz, funk, soul, and groovy tunes. The Chisholm Showband performed spectacularly on Wednesday evening, with stellar conducting from Samantha Ashman.
Enormous thanks to all Chisholm staff, parents, alumni, and students who volunteered their time with ticketing, canteen sales, ushering and backstage work over these long evenings: Evan Eble (MC), Samantha Ashman (Stage Manager), Heidi Lake, Karen Moody, Paul Olsen, Rebecca Williams, Billie Dewitt, Chanaka Ratnasekara, Gina Pearse, Jennifer Wishart, Kate Bowler, Lorraine Rodrigues, Megan Hazeldean, Merrill Hall, Sergio Consen, Sharon McCarthy, Shonie McKibbin, Sonia Ranelli, Stephen Kaless, Suzanne West, Talitha O’Neil, Tania Lourensz, Stella Coskun, Ari van Vliet, Clara Nguyen, Clementine Farley, Dempsey Fricker, Deon Fonseka, Emily Hall, Gemma Vu, Hannah Vu, Jade Kingston, Kieran Smith, Melanie Pham, Nina Le, Owen Koroll, Rita Pizzolante, Toni McDonald, Xavier Teo and Zara Consen
If you didn’t get the opportunity to see the Showband put on the show, I highly recommend putting their final concert for the year on Friday 17 September in your diary.
Miss Stephanie Gilhooley
Music Admin Assistant