Since 1919, National Children’s Book Week has been an annual tradition dedicated to spreading the joy of reading. We use this time to encourage students of all ages to enjoy the pleasure of reading and the worlds that exist between the covers of great books. The theme for Book Week 2021 was ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’.
To celebrate Book Week, Chisholm library held daily activities and competitions. Teams of students came to the library during lunchtime on Monday for the treasure hunt. Using their book location skills, students found a themed series of books and were rewarded with ‘Keep Looking’ cards, or pieces to their puzzle. The winning group who completed their puzzle first were Christian Luong, Jack Connell, Ryder Pham and Jean-Paul Rapy. Well done boys!
On Tuesday we had some very creative students using ink fingerprints to create creatures for a bookmark. Wednesday saw a very energetic group of students participate in the ‘Race around the world’ competition. In teams of two the students had to follow the book clues to five locations around the school. Each participant helped to earn house points and the winners, Linusha Rajalingam and Rita Pizzolante won a book voucher from Rabble Books and Games.
On Thursday students created Monogram art, a craft activity to repurpose withdrawn old library books. Friday was our annual Book Week lunch and the top student borrowers from each year level were invited. During the event, the top students from each year level were announced and finally the top borrower for the year. Congratulations to all of the students and especially the top students: Year 7 Jack Connell, Year 8 Isaac Bristow-Baohm, Year 9 Mia Antenucci, Year 10 Danae O’Neil, Year 11/12 Maria Biju and overall winner – Jack Connell
Our final activity was to ‘Create your own bookmark’. Students were asked to create a bookmark which was based on the book week theme. The winning entry received a book voucher and the top three entries were to be made into bookmarks to be used in the library. Fifteen entries were received and the quality was amazing. The Art department did the final judging, with Leya Louis chosen as the winner. We have decided to use all of the designs for bookmarks over the rest of the year as they were all so good!
Mrs Claire Bentley
Acting Head of Learning Area – Library