College News & Events

Celebrating Languages Week

August 13, 2021

Pasta In The Valley

On Tuesday our Year 9 Italian classes celebrated Languages Week with a delicious dinner at Italian restaurant Pasta in The Valley. The authentic Italian dinner was enjoyed by all students. We started with a very creative antipasto followed by a variety of fresh pasta. The culmination of the dinner was without a doubt the many flavours of the authentic Gelato. Una serata davvero fantastica e divertente. Una cena squisita e deliziosa.

Giochiamo A Bocce

After spending last week learning how to conjugate the verb ‘giocare’ Prof Pietropaolo’s Year 8 Italian class enjoyed a game of Bocce on Tuesday to celebrate Languages Week! Unfortunately il brutto tempo (bad weather) didn’t allow for an outside game but fun was had all the same. Dai che ce la fai!

Italy Wins at Soccer!

A soccer competition between France and Italy was held on Wednesday. Monsieur Cugola’s Year 8 French class competed against Signora Milllimaci’s Year 8 Italian class. This was also a link with this term’s topic, “Giochiamo lo sport”. The intensity of the competition was clear in the boys’ game, engaging with the commitment of a World Cup final. The girls’ game was also a lot of fun and displayed wonderful teamwork. ITALIA were the victors, winning 5-0 for the boys and 3-0 for the girls. The boys proudly sang the Italian national anthem to celebrate their victory. Evviva l’Italia!

A Feast of Italian Music

On Thursday we celebrated Languages Week in a very special way.  We welcomed Squeezamonic’s Pep Pezzano to Chisholm Catholic College to play some traditional Italian music on his piano accordion. Signor Cugola accompanied Maestro Pezzano on vocals and Signor Rovedatti didn’t hesitate to join him. The students, Signora Fernandes and Signora Millimaci enjoyed singing and dancing the tarantella. It was a great way for our language students to embrace Italian culture and traditions.

Department of Languages

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