College News & Events

CEWA Year 9 Religious Education Online Assessment

June 20, 2024

At the request of the Western Australian Bishops, Year 3,5 and 9 students in Catholic schools across Western Australia will take part in the CEWA’s Year 9 Religious Education Online Assessment (REA) from the week commencing Monday 29 July. The REA is a large-scale, standardised assessment, the purpose of which is to measure student learning of the content in the RE curriculum using a combination of multiple choice, short and extended response items. Students’ faith is not assessed. The use of the REA complements the school-based assessment programmes in RE classes. The assessment will be accessible to students only online.

Parents/Guardians have received a letter emailed on Thursday Week 2.10 regarding the assessment and further information will be distributed to Year 9 students early in Term 3.

Our Year 9 students will sit the assessment in Week 3.3 on Tuesday July 30 July Periods 5 and 6. RE class teachers will provide this information to the students. 

Mr Nic Italiano – Head of Year 9
Mr Andrew Panizza – Head of Religious Education

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