College News & Events

Chisholm Day 9 September

September 1, 2022

Students and staff are preparing for Chisholm Day 2022.

The theme for this year’s College Patron Day – Chisholm Day is COMPASSION.

All profits made from our fete will be distributed to our various charitable agencies the College annually supports including WheelChairs For Kids and LifeLink.

This year 48 different sweet and savoury stalls, raffles, activities, challenges, food vans and fun events are organised for a day of fun, school spirit and compassionate fundraising for the less fortunate in our society.

Parents please help support your children with their PCA’s Activity and with providing them with the means to participate in some of the many events, activities and treats available on Friday’s Chisholm Day Fete. This year, the College will cover the free dress usual gold coin donations in order to relieve that stress but also to enable even more participation in the many varied options to support on the day.

Huge thanks to everyone involved.

Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission

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