On Friday 17 March, 53 students attended our first Chisholm Ministers Retreat for 2023. This was an important opportunity for us to gather with the Chisholm Ministers from Years 8 to 12 who make such a wonderful contribution to our faith community. Their involvement is not something we should take for granted and is in many ways counter-cultural. The theme for the afternoon was “Faith, Formation & Fun” as we shared food, played games and received both training and commissioning for various Ministry roles, including altar serving, reading the Word, media ministry and for some, ministry of Holy Communion.
Our Chisholm Ministers were joined by Sister Chau, Mrs Kastropil, Fr Zyggy and myself as we reminded them of the importance of their leadership and service. Thirteen Year 11 students were trained and commissioned as Chisholm Ministers of the Eucharist, which is an incredibly high responsibility and honour for any Catholic.
The College is very proud of all our Chisholm Ministers. We now look forward to welcoming 34 Year 7 students who have volunteered to become Chisholm Ministers in 2023. They will receive training and formation in the coming weeks.
Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission