College News & Events

City-Country Partnerships – A Visit from Beagle Bay

July 25, 2024

This week, our College welcomed four staff members from Sacred Heart College, Beagle Bay in the Kimberley, for a visit. They toured our Design and Technology Centre, talked to our D&T staff and participated in hands-on workshops with various machinery and equipment, in preparation for implementing ideas and projects in their own school.

This trip is part of the City-Country Partnership project funded through the Yadha Muru Foundation in which Chisholm has been chosen to be a host city school working with Sacred Heart School in Beagle Bay, as they develop and repurpose Beagle Bay’s reinstated Trade Training Centre.

As many in our community would know this is one of the two City Country Partnerships that Chisholm is engaging in with remote schools, the other being a collaboration in STEM education with St. Mary’s College in Broome.

We look forward to more ongoing development and positive learning for the staff and students in both schools, as part of this initiative.

Design & Technology Team

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