Last Thursday, Chisholm students had the opportunity to voice their community interests, priorities and concerns with the City of Bayswater, to help the City generate a five-year Youth Action Plan that will provide services, events and opportunities for our youth. Students in Year 9 RE, Year 11 and 12 Geography ATAR and our Student Leaders were consulted about youth issues that are most important to them. Our young people highlighted education, employment and financial literacy, as well as wellbeing and environmental sustainability, as priorities.
Our Chisholm students are to be commended for their mature, robust and forward-thinking discussions on topics that matter to them. We are also extremely proud of two Alumni, Lucy Rule (Class of 2021) and Isabella Bacigalupo-Rose (Class of 2019), who are members of the City of Bayswater Youth Advisory Council and were excellent facilitators at the Consultation Workshops.
Mrs Fiona Millimaci
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing