College News & Events

CLTAWA State Writing Competition Winners

October 10, 2024

The State Writing Competition, organised by the Chinese Language Teacher Association, celebrated the remarkable talents of young writers across the state. This year’s event was a vibrant showcase of creativity and passion, highlighting the skills of Mandarin students in various categories.

Category C: Year 7 and 8
5th Place: Aimy Jobin
Excellence Award: Sufiel Curioso

Category D: Year 9 and 10
2nd Place: Amelia Murphy-Marsh
4th Place: Gabriella Costa

Category E1: Level 1 and 2 (Students with Chinese Background Category)
3rd Place: Shamilyz Cheong

We are very proud of the achievements of these students and looking forward to witnessing their continued growth in the literary arts!

Ms Bee Tee
Chinese Teacher

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