Tension was high as the Year 8 girls’ team went head-to-head with the Year 9 team for the first time on Wednesday 22 June. Despite some setbacks due to illness, the teams were able to put up a solid debate. The topic debated was that the voting age should be lowered to 16. Maia Securo, Grace Slattery and Roman Kaless (Year 9s) argued the affirmative case whilst Amelia Yates, Francesca Macri and Chiara Del Marco (Year 8s), as the negative team, were not to be intimidated by their older peers. Both teams argued their cases with conviction demonstrating a strong level of research and knowledge of the topic.
Ultimately it was the Year 9 team who took out the win by a small margin, convincing adjudicators that the voting age should in fact be lowered to 16. Well done to all teams and special thanks to Marko Dimitrijevic who chaired the debate. We look forward to one more head-to-head between Year 8s and 9s in Term 3.
Ms Franich, Miss Molloy and Miss Wilson
Debating Coaches