With Term 1 complete, may I again reiterate my appreciation to everyone for the support and understanding afforded during this first quarter of the year. I thank all parents and families for working with our teachers and staff and enabling us to support your child’s learning in these challenging times. Your child’s attendance at school underpins not only their learning but their social and emotional development, as well as their overall mental and physical wellbeing. I sincerely hope that this has not been disrupted or impacted too greatly.
The amazing work of our staff during this time simply cannot be underestimated.
The Easter period brings with it a reminder of the importance of lived Gospel values. It is the time for renewal and hope. As we prepare for the solemnity of Holy Week and the joy of Easter, let us reflect on the strength of our Christian unity and that enduring message of hope. We must never abandon that quest for a better, peace filled and Christ-centred world.
Mr John Bormolini