College News & Events

FROM THE PRINCIPAL – Best Wishes to Our Departing Year 12 Students

September 19, 2024

The end of Term 3 on the College Calendar is significant in many ways but especially for our departing Year 12 students.

Whilst for many there is still a lot to focus on, with Mock Exams in the second week of the holidays and a few short weeks later, the final ATAR examinations, the typical routine of classes as such has virtually come to an end. There will still be much to acknowledge and celebrate as we farewell our Year 12s with their final College Assembly and later, the Thanksgiving Eucharist but I’m sure our 2024 group are already beginning to reflect on the closing stages of the journey.

Early next term our group will regather for their formal Graduation evening on Friday 18 October. Nonetheless we take this early opportunity as a wider College community already to say farewell and pass on our best wishes to this wonderful group of young people as they slowly close on their journey here and venture forth, greatly enriched I’m sure, by the Chisholm experience.

As this important time for our school year arrives, I’ve also afforded some space here to include an important message below from Mrs Siobhan Allen, Executive Director of Catholic Parents WA.

It is a bittersweet time of year when all of our wonderful Year 12s are preparing for their journey post school and that of course looks different for everyone. Some will be stressing (or not!) about exams whilst others will be taking up apprenticeships or full-time work. Whatever that pathway is, we wish them all the very best of luck and hope that their years within all of our Catholic schools will stand them in good stead to face the joys and challenges that life has ahead for them.

We also congratulate all of you parents and carers who have been beside them for that journey. For some of you this may be your first encounter with the Year 12 experience and for others it may be your last! Whichever it is, take the time to enjoy all the various traditions our schools offer with your young people. They will be such precious memories in years to come.

As always however, when we are coming to the end of one term, we are already thinking about the next one, the final one for the year. During the course [of] Term 3, Principals in all Catholic schools in WA were invited to the Leaders Forum Roadshow, and as part of the agenda were informed of the challenges facing Catholic education as the enrolment numbers in Catholic schools continue to increase.

One of the issues which we as parents find it almost impossible to understand is why children in Catholic schools in WA do not receive any grants from our State government to assist with capital works in our schools. Capital works include the building of new schools and importantly the maintenance of existing schools. It was a question raised at the CSPWA 70th Anniversary conference earlier this year, and again in subsequent correspondence to Minister Buti, but one to which we have received no credible answer.

Mr John Bormolini


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