College News & Events

FROM THE PRINCIPAL – Choices and Pathways

May 31, 2024

The end of next week will see the conclusion of our important First Semester Examinations and with it our first half year assessment period. It represents an important time for the various year groups, as they reflect on their achievements and journey to date and start to make further decisions around the future.

One of the most significant things will be the Subject Selection process for our current Year 10 students as they contemplate their course decisions and pathways to prepare for entrance into Year 11. The imminent finalisation of Curriculum Handbooks and the information required will see students and parents having opportunities to discuss what these future choices involve. Appropriate guidance and advice through our course selection counselling interviews for all Year 10 students will form part of that vital process.

I remind all parents and caregivers that the Western Australian Certificate of Education and SCSA requirements do change over time. Currently the state government through the Minister has instigated a review of our senior secondary pathways and that process will slowly see changes adopted following a work by Advisory bodies involved in the process. There is no doubt in my mind that some of those impending changes will occur in relation to our ATAR, General and VET pathways although it will be some time before they become evident and enacted. For the time being it will be business as usual.

Early in Term 3, students will be expected to finalise their choices and submit their selections online through the Subject Selections Online portal. Further specific information and various events will be outlined to everyone in this important mid-year period by Mrs Huggins and Mr Randazzo, as we reach the appropriate time.

Finally, may I take the opportunity to thank everyone for their efforts and diligence towards this particularly busy time with examinations and reporting and also to congratulate Mr Palmer and his capable assisting staff for their efforts with our College’s Cross Country Team that competed yesterday. Well done to all of our team for their dedicated training and personal achievements on the day – some of which meant competing in the rain.

Mr John Bormolini

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