Our school year has now inched past three weeks and we continue to work with, and adapt to, the high caseload guidelines that are in force. Our staff and our students have done an outstanding job in responding to these changes and making things work, as best we can.
Essentially, our school operation is a daily proposition, without the ability to be certain about things too far ahead. I’m sure many parents, like all of us, are questioning exactly what happens should a case or cases arise in our community. The answer is that whilst we have set plans in place, they are largely determined by the individual circumstance and what we will be directed to do, after assessment by WA Health. We have already seen that in the cases detected in schools to date, different outcomes have resulted depending on the exact situation.
I’m confident that we can communicate things clearly with parents and deal with the particular situation appropriately as it arises, with the support of our Chisholm parents and families.
I, like many in our vibrant and engaging school, am disappointed that various activities and events have had to be postponed or curtailed. Our Sports and Arts programmes are one of the more significant areas impacted which will disappoint many students and their families, especially with the larger competitions and performances and I am sorry that that is the case. Please continue to consult our COVID-19 Update tab on the College website for Event updates. We continue to review our calendar and programmes on a weekly basis at Executive level and our full pastoral team is continuing to work hard at supporting and overseeing all of our students.
The ongoing changes as we migrate across to CEWA’s IT email and database platforms has been disruptive but we are slowly seeing things settle into place. Our own customised in-house Parent Portal has been one of the casualties unfortunately because it cannot work under the new changes. We are working on a solution and greatly appreciate your understanding as this becomes established.
My thanks to our Advisory Council and attendees at the College’s recent Annual Community Meeting held online. We congratulate Mrs Maria Russo Dropulich, Mr Ross Puglisi and Mr Scott Bradley on being elected to vacancies on the School Advisory Council.
Thank you all.
Mr John Bormolini