College News & Events


May 3, 2024

Our College continues to experience strong demand for enrolment places and waiting lists. Our 2025 offers will close completely in the middle of this term, until final review that occurs at the beginning of Term 4. Interviews for our 2026 intake for new families will close before the end of this term.

Interviews and offers for sibling enrolments for 2026 will also close soon. If you have a younger child and are yet to submit an application, you should do so immediately (prior to 15 May). There is no guarantee of an automatic place for a younger sibling if parents do not submit an application to the College for that child. Remaining places after 15 May will be allocated to new families on our waiting lists. These applications must contain all the required paperwork in order to obtain an interview.

In the coming weeks, the College will also finalise Scholarship offers for selected 2025 intake students. We will also finalise two Early-Offer Scholarship winners for our 2026 Year 7 intake.

Signage will soon appear in Beaufort Close reminding parents about not using this street for drop off or pick up of students, unless in emergencies. Please adhere to these directions as construction vehicles and heavy machinery become more prolific and require street access and parking.
Mr John Bormolini

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