College News & Events


November 4, 2022

As Week 4 of the term concludes, we see our Year 12 ATAR students nearly at the half way mark of their WACE examination schedule. The feedback on the exams to date has been relatively positive and we all look forward to the finalised results when they are publicised for our candidates at the end of the year. Year 11 students will complete their academic programme today with their closing Thanksgiving Eucharist and then their own Semester Two examinations starting next week. We thank Mr Williamson and all of the Year 11 Pastoral Care Advisors and teachers for their hard work with these students.

The examination schedule then continues down through our lower year groups, particularly Year 10 and 9 and we encourage all of these students to work hard and finish off the year strongly. For Year 10s especially, the importance of approaching these exams with good preparation and positive focus needs to be emphasised as the results play a part in confirming the correct pre requisites and course selections for Year 11. My sincere thanks to Mrs Millimaci, our Deputy Principal of Administration, for the great job in coordinating all of the College’s examination scheduling.

I also remind all parents, particularly now that travel restrictions are steadily lifting, that taking time out during the school term for extended holidays is to be avoided. The College Assessment procedures are clear on seeking Principal permission for absence and where it involves exam periods may mean that students are penalised because they cannot be sat at an alternative time. For senior students from Year 10 to 12, this is even more vital, given SCSA requirements and the potential impact of loss of exam marks.

The challenging task of finalising the 2023 College Calendar is nearing completion, along with many other aspects of annual planning. 2023 will see some significant changes or amendments and we will ensure that parents and caregivers are informed as soon as is possible. A new Teacher’s Enterprise Agreement is currently under consideration and this may well have some impacts on the timing of the school day and certain activities that are a part of our routine.

I remind parents also that Friday 18 November is our mid- Term 4 planning and programming day and as such is a pupil free day.  

Mr John Bormolini                   

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