College News & Events


March 22, 2024

As we go towards Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week we prepare for one of the most important periods on our liturgical calendar.

Holy Week is most definitely a very sacred time of the year, for it is now that we will commemorate and remember the last week of Jesus’ life on this earth. These are the days leading up to the great Easter Feast.

This period also brings to mind for us every year, the vital importance of Christian renewal. Renewal that comes from Christ’s Resurrection and sacrifice and from the infinite love He has for us. Within this comes renewed hope and hope through God himself is one of the greatest things that sustains life and all within it.

I am also reminded at Easter of something poignant from Henry Liddon that says:

“The resurrection asserts a truth which is by no means always written legibly for all men on the face of nature. It tells us that the spiritual is higher than the material; that in this universe the spirit counts for more than matter.”

Photo: This is a photograph I took from Jerusalem at the Church of all Nations, build over the rock where Jesus is supposed to have slept before he was arrested and taken away.

Mr John Bormolini

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