College News & Events

FROM THE PRINCIPAL – Important Last Three Weeks of Term

September 2, 2022

Our Year 12 students enter their most demanding phase in the coming weeks, as they complete the remainder of their course work requirements and final assessments. For ATAR course students this then leads to the impending Semester Two exams that commence during the latter part of the holidays before the final external WACE examinations. Maintaining a steady and resilient focus, whist trying to keep things in balance, is not easy in this challenging period and our senior students certainly need our support and assistance as they grapple with the pressures. That focus must start with students maintaining consistent attendance and not turning away from these important last weeks of classes, an important part of which is enjoying their last school days together and Graduation.

As most parents of senior students would be aware, much has been spoken about changes in the last few years to the process of University entrance and alternative pathways, early offer schemes and indeed the long-term future of the ATAR ranking system. It is clear that the impending changes are being considered and debated, Australia wide, to our senior secondary education structures and certification for students as they finish secondary school and this may well result in necessary changes in the next few years. There is no doubt that the impact of COVID has certainly contributed to the general public and the education sector itself, questioning the existing structures in our schools, more closely and we are sure to hear more in this space into the future.

Mr John Bormolini

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