Our new May Street entry and roadworks are nearing completion and the new access has been operating now for a few days. Thank you to everyone in the community for your patience during this construction, which has run beyond our scheduled final completion date of Friday 17 February.
I also urge all users to be mindful of the following as we install the appropriate signage and directional indicators are painted on the road surfaces.
- Pedestrians are NOT to use this access or entry which is for vehicles only. This is a safety consideration to which we must adhere. A new dedicated, walkway for pedestrians, cyclists and scooters is being worked on currently, where the original vehicle entry used to be.
- Parents and family members using the new May Street entry for drop off and pick up must turn right into the existing car park area and drop off pick up zones near the playing fields, as per usual. Please do not stop or park anywhere near the intersection at the back of our pool area or the Design and Technology Centre to drop students or pick them up.
- The newly constructed carpark is for staff parking only and after-hours Swimming Club or participants. It will also be used for parking during evening events in the gymnasium.
The College will soon issue a reminder and direction on our accepted allocation and use of surrounding carparks for different year groups. This includes reference to our Admin carpark which should not to be used for pick up or drop off please.
Families would have already received an email from Mrs Flower regarding our Year 8 – 12 Parent Seminar Evening with a link for parents to sign up for the sessions they would like to attend.
Once again thanks for your patience and understanding as we settle into this important new year.
Mr John Bormolini