Chisholm staff gathered on Monday for our annual Staff Faith Formation Day. We were delighted to be joined by former St Mark’s student and current Chisholm parent, Dr Nathan Leber from the Catholic Institute of Western Australia. Dr Nathan drew on his experience in helping build Catholic culture in schools, his faith background and personal connection to our College community to facilitate our Professional Learning Day.
The focus was to explore our school’s Catholic Mission and culture. Staff were invited to identify ways we may already be ‘a great Catholic College’. In doing so, we explored broad elements of our school’s heritage, inspiration we draw from our Patron, Caroline Chisholm and Chisholm’s Vision, Values and practices. A common theme of the day was how in seeking perfection, we could happily settle with being excellent! An excellent Catholic College would be an excellent College, motivated by and known for its welcoming, formative and authentic Catholic culture.
The recent experiences of our two Immersion Teams to the Pilbara and Vietnam are great examples of what opportunities an excellent Catholic College may be able to offer. Most recently, over the September school holidays, our Year 11 Immersion students with Sr Chau, Miss Jodie Reynolds, Miss Taryn Mohen, Mr Sule Alagic and Mr Khai Nguyen immersed in Vietnam. From all accounts, their breadth of experience, engagement and strong relationships built with those they travelled to meet and serve was incredible. Our College is so proud of the good will shared and learning gained through the Immersion experiences and delighted for all involved.
Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission