College News & Events

FROM THE PRINCIPAL – Planning for the future

November 8, 2024

With half a term to go before the year wraps up, things become increasingly busy particularly from an administration and leadership viewpoint, as we grapple with much to do before the close.

It is a time when we once again have to address the many issues in relation to our long-term strategic intentions and plans. Our current Strategic Directions and School Improvement Planning document covers the past three-year period and therefore we now need to focus on our next three years.

As a College community, we once again need to refresh our strategic intent and plan for further improvement goals within our Vision for Learning, curriculum delivery, around our Catholic identity and mission and our ongoing pastoral care for students.

It must also seek to revisit and adapt our College’s Master Plan for required new development and ongoing maintenance of our excellent campus facilities.

An extended academic and pastoral planning day will occur on 19 November that will cover a number of these strategic planning items as well as AI at Chisholm and a revised structure of professional learning groups for our Wednesday afternoon meetings. Much of this will be relayed further prior to the end of year in my final letter to community.

And coincidently, today is World Planning Day!

Mr John Bormolini

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