College News & Events


March 30, 2023

Easter Message

The most important part of the message surrounding Easter is that it reaffirms that as Christians we remain people of hope. We look to this period as the time for reflecting on that hope and the promise of a better world.

Archbishop Costelloe reiterates this sense of optimism and joy in his own reflection on Easter, parts of which are included here:

Once again this year, the joy of Easter rings out with the cry: Christ is risen! This is the source of our hope, the unshakeable conviction of our faith, and the inspiration for our determination to bring the beauty and promise of our faith to anyone who will listen. It is a message which our society needs desperately. So do not be afraid, in whatever ways you can, to share this good news with others.

In the end, of course, this message of hope is an extraordinary confirmation that all that Jesus taught about God – about God’s merciful love, God’s offer of healing and liberation from sin, of God’s infinite patience with us as we travel the journey of our lives – all this is true. When the disciples of Jesus, who had come to know, to love and to trust Him, were confronted by the terrible sight of His dead body on the cross, they must have begun to doubt what they had previously come to believe: that God really was as Jesus said He was. The death of Jesus must have been, at least for some of them, the death of their faith. But that faith was born again in the risen Christ, and they were transformed from people ruled by fear and overcome by disappointment to people who were filled, through the gift of God’s Spirit, with new hope and a courage that enabled them to be fearless witnesses to the God whom Jesus had revealed to them.

Chisholm Ambassadors in the National spotlight

Recently, three Year 12 Chisholm students, Ella Pike, Imogen Bowran and Rosie Hooker, were invited and selected along with others from around Australia to attend the National Schools Constitutional Convention in Canberra. It was a very valuable and forming experience and yesterday I received a wonderful message commending our students from one of the two main accompanying teachers from WA.

Dear Mr Bormolini

I just wanted to send a quick email to let you know that Imogen, Rosie and Ella were wonderful ambassadors for both Chisholm Catholic College and WA at the NSCC. I had the privilege of being one of the two chaperones from Western Australia.

The three students participated in all of the activities and workshops respectfully and with maturity beyond their years.

Ella had the special task of offering a vote of thanks to the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, on behalf of all the students at the Convention. She was the first student to ever take on this role during the Convention and she spoke beautifully to an audience of 115 students, many teachers from around Australia and both Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What a tremendous accolade for these three impressive ambassadors from our College community. Well done.

Photo: Ella with Honourable Patrick Gorman. Courtesy of National Curriculum Services (NCS) and the Australian Curriculum Studies Association (ACSA).

Mr John Bormolini

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