Many things happening.
A look through this week’s collection of articles and activities featured in our Carolean points to the vibrant array of things happening at Chisholm. It is wonderful to see the involvement and achievements of our students in so many aspects of College life.
Aboriginal Reconciliation and its important messages have certainly been prominent as we continue to take real and positive steps forward in this important work. On the broader stage, Chisholm is entering into some important partnerships over the next three years with federal funding from the City Country Partnership programme through the Yahdu Maru Foundation. Chisholm will be directly involved in providing support and training in a VET tourism project with the remote Sacred Heart school in Beagle Bay and separately, with St Mary’s Broome and Sacred Heart Primary in Highgate in a joint STEM education initiative.
Many families will have noted the completion of our new May Street entry and carpark recently and possible noticed the new developments happening on our Admin carpark side. Work has begun on preparing the site for our new Stage 18 building project that will see nine new teaching and learning spaces that double as an extended examination centre. This exciting new building is scheduled for completion by August 2024. Further progress reports and images of the construction will be published to community along the journey.
We wish our senior students all the best for their up and coming examinations soon and that their dedicated preparation and study is rewarded.
Mr John Bormolini