College News & Events


August 8, 2024

To suggest that there could be a quiet moment in the multitude of weekly activities at Chisholm would be an understatement. The diverse Carolean articles, which inform our community about recent news and events, are a testament of the vibrant and dynamic life at Chisholm Catholic College.

It was a pleasure to represent the College on Wednesday morning at the wonderful celebration that acknowledged 125 years of the arrival of the Dominican Sisters in Western Australia. As we are aware, Chisholm Catholic College has its origins from St Thomas Aquinas College (Dominican Sisters) and St Mark’s College (Christian Brothers). The college’s Community Relations Team has also included a few words on this special event in this edition of the Carolean.

Another significant event this week was the celebration of the City-Country Partnership between St Mary’s College Broome, Sacred Heart Primary Highgate and Chisholm Catholic College. This partnership, which involves the development of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), is not just about the exchange of resources and expertise; it is about building bridges between our schools, the city and the country. The implementation of innovative programmes and initiatives are already enriching the educational experience of students. Moreover, this partnership has fostered a sense of community and belonging among our students, teachers and parents. It has created opportunities for meaningful engagement and collaboration. I extend my gratitude to the Yadha Muru Foundation in providing the financial support to make this partnership a reality.

Last Saturday morning the College held a Placement Test for over 300 students who will begin their secondary education in Year 7 at Chisholm in 2025. The placement test is designed to assess the students’ knowledge and skills in mathematics, reading and comprehension. The results of these assessments, together with academic data from their primary school, will be used to place students in appropriate classes and programmes that best suit their learning styles and academic strengths. Our goal is to ensure that each student receives the support and resources they need to thrive and succeed. We look forward to welcoming our Class of 2030 in November this year with an Induction Day in preparation for 2025.

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and week ahead.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all” – Aristotle”

Mr Rino Randazzo
Acting Principal

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