Term 4 becomes a race against time to coordinate and complete so many things that are required at this crucial time of year. As it is for all, there is much to get done before that end of year arrives, all too quickly. The Year 12 Graduation, Practical and Creative Arts Exhibition, Sports Award Night, Grandparents’ Morning, Year 7 Orientation for new students, College Presentation Night – all important and exciting for students and our wider community.
The term also becomes crucial in terms of planning and administrative management as we prepare for our College and community needs in the new year. Curriculum and programme planning, staffing, school improvement projects, policy adjustments and attending to the many educational authority requirements, all add to the busyness of our days. I am always very proud of the way our hardworking staff and leadership teams take this in their weekly stride and it is a credit to everyone as increasing challenges emerge.
Certainly, there are some key challenges and development work ahead around introducing greater innovation and renewal of our curriculum and learning programmes and we look forward to that as it emerges in the year ahead.
This week saw the annual CEWA Staff Breakfast where long serving CEWA staff are recognised for their meritorious service. We congratulate Mrs Christine Muller (Science), Mr John Magro (Science) and Mr John Hackett (Maths) for their 30 Year Service Awards. We also acknowledge Mrs Ingrid Chidlow (now our College Archivist) for 40 years of service. Congratulations to these dedicated, hard working members of the Chisholm community for their contribution here and elsewhere in Catholic Education.
At this time every year we seek expressions of interest from members of our parent community who may wish to consider serving on the School Advisory Council (formally College Board). Please make contact with the Executive Assistant to the Principal at chisholmexecasst@cewa.edu.au for further information.
I wish everyone a successful start to the term.
Mr John Bormolini