Thanks to everyone involved with our wonderful Practical and Creative Arts Exhibition, associated primary school students’ visits and our Grandparents’ Morning – all great showcase events. And thanks again to Mrs Monterosso and the fabulous Canteen team, our hardworking grounds and maintenance staff and everyone behind the scenes. Along with Year 12 Graduation this evening, so much has had to be done this week with so many people in the community pitching in. Thank you.
In terms of COVID-19, I think families would now be aware that mandatory regulations in terms of isolation have been lifted recently. It is still very important however that everyone is clear on the recommendations now in place.
Where a positive COVID-19 test result is returned, it is recommended that staff and students stay home until symptoms have resolved. Positive RAT results should still be reported via the WA Health and CEWA COVID-19 Reporting Portals. Isolation for close contacts is no longer mandated however close contacts are encouraged to test daily for five (5) days and only attend school following a negative RAT result. Close contacts may choose to wear a mask and families are still advised to be cautious and avoid very high-risk settings. Please consult the College Website’s COVID-19 Update tab on the homepage for more detailed information.
Mr John Bormolini