College News & Events


November 10, 2023

Change in Catholic Leadership

By now many in our Catholic school communities will be aware of the announcement that our current Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce will step down at the end of this year. This news was announced by Archbishop Costelloe on Wednesday in conjunction with Dr Sayce’s appointment to a new role commencing in January 2024. This new Archdiocesan position will be known as the Head of Mission Engagement and Outreach – Archdiocesan Agencies.

Dr Sayce has served with distinction for many years in Catholic Education and most recently as the Executive Director for the past six years. The current Deputy Executive Director Mr Wayne Bull, has been appointed as her replacement for the 2024 year, as the recruitment process to appoint a new Executive Director is undertaken during the year. Mr Bull is well known to Catholic Education also as a Principal and leader in various Catholic schools, most recently La Salle College prior to his current role.

Planning for School Improvement

The College’s senior curriculum and pastoral leaders met for a full day on Wednesday to develop the next phase of Chisholm’s School Improvement Plan that will run from 2024 – 2026. Working as a collective group together with the College Executive, various aspects of the College’s educational operation and future challenges, were discussed. This included hearing from students and their perspective on what we could all be doing better to enhance quality teaching and learning.

Thank you to Mr Randazzo and Mrs Flower for their coordination and organisation of the day and for everyone’s valuable engagement and contribution. We are indeed blessed in our school community to have such great depth and commitment in the people we have in these leadership roles, that also bring real experience and educational understanding to the conversation.   

Mr John Bormolini

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