College News & Events


November 11, 2022

I want to express a heartfelt thank you to all of our parent and community volunteers and non-teaching staff that contributed in so many ways to Chisholm this year. It has indeed been very challenging at times during the worst COVID-19 periods. To be able to gather with many of these volunteers, as we do every year and thank them personally at our annual Community Dinner, was fantastic. Thank you to Ms Taniya Rodrigues and Mrs Aimee Iacusso for all of their work in preparing the fun evening.

Thank you also to Mr Nic Italiano and Mrs Anne Balmer for their work in coordinating our incoming Year 7 Orientation evening and the three different sessions for three hundred or so students and their parents. There was certainly lots of excitement amongst the attendees as they see the countdown to the commencement of secondary school life at Chisholm become a reality.

Mr John Bormolini                   

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