College News & Events


November 17, 2023

In a world where change is rapid and emerging technologies are having a major impact, it is important that we constantly review our practices and deliver our Teaching and Learning curriculum in a contemporary manner.

A project that is currently under development and will be introduced in 2024, for Year 9 and Year 10 students, is a Life Skills program.

The program aims to address many issues facing our young adults together with providing them with essential skills for succeeding in today’s society. Encompassing Chisholm’s values – Character, Learning, Compassion – and delivered via an interactive vision board, students will have the opportunity to enhance their skills in goal setting, financial literacy, career planning, study skills, communication skills and much more.

I thank Ms Brooke Klaassen who is working tirelessly in designing and creating the content for this exciting program and Mr Tony Ta for his coding wizardry in producing the student personalised vision board. I look forward to seeing this enriching student experience in action.

Semester Two has seen some Year 10 and Year 11 students participate in the Curtin University Rising Scholar Program. This rewarding program offers students a genuine tertiary learning experience at Curtin University by completing a first-year unit.

Successful completion provides students the opportunity to use this study as Credit for Recognised Learning if the student engages in an undergraduate degree at Curtin or possible advanced standing at another university.

I congratulate the students listed in the table below who persevered with this additional workload and who have had a taste of university life. I share reflections from some students.

“I took the Foundations of Calculus unit and found the experience extremely rewarding and helpful to my studies. Not only did I get a headstart in the university lifestyle, but the content also helped me with my current studies.” – James Robbins, Year 11

“Studying a Curtin University course, in Business Analytics, while still in high school was an incredibly rewarding experience. It allowed me to explore my academic interests in a more advanced and focused way, providing a glimpse into what university life might be like for me in the future.” – Amity Sheridan, Year 11

“Learning at an ‘adult-level’ offered new perspectives and valuable insights into university expectations. I feel more confident and prepared about entering university because of the Rising Scholar Program. I like how the course was not just a sneak peak, but a genuine uni experience we did alongside other Curtin students.” – Mihaela Stojkoska, Year 11

“I truly recommend this program to anyone who is passionate about learning and wants to experience the university life early on. As a participant, I became a full Curtin student, meaning I was treated as an adult and could utilise all the University facilities.” – Angelica Palma, Year 10




Samuel D’Cunha


Analytics for Decision Making

Evangeline Frew


Engaging Narrative

Angelica Palma


Human Structure and Function

James Robbins


Foundations of Calculus

Amity Sheridan


Analytics for Decision Making

Mihaela Stojkoska


Web Communications

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and week ahead.

“Learn continually. There’s always ‘one more thing’ to learn!” — Steve Jobs

Mr Rino Randazzo
Vice Principal – Teaching and Learning

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