Recently, various leadership groups within the College have been grappling with planning and preparation for our new year. It is a time when we hope to address many issues in relation to scheduling, calendaring events, adjusting programmes and finding the balance between what our educational authorities mandate for us and what we know is best practice in effective teaching and learning for our students. Through all of the questions and organisational issues, we look to sort our way through to meaningful and effective solutions in the best way to deliver our curriculum programme time available as well as caring for our young people with the attention that’s required.
Throughout this increasing complexity, maintaining a clear focus on what is important for preparing our students for the rapidly changing future is vital. As we plan more broadly for our priorities, we cannot ignore the skills needed for our young people, as they enter a world of increasingly articulated automation, artificial intelligence and a rapidly transforming workplace. 21st century learners need to be far more adept and agile in their capability. They will need to be increasingly more creative, lateral in their thinking, entrepreneurial and be able to demonstrate how they can tackle and solve problems.
Chisholm is an impressive professional learning community. I see much in the way of quality educational delivery from our very able staff. I also see openness to innovation and the challenges that lie ahead. We can be confident that we will continue to forge and develop new and more contemporary approaches that respond to our Chisholm remaining a strong Catholic secondary school community, educating for the 21st century.
As we work through 2023 I look forward to various new initiatives and directions emerging and the refinement and further improvement of existing, well established programmes. In my Letter to all families next week I will outline some of these details further and also publicise some changes to our school operation and timing of the school day, for parents and students to note carefully.
Mr John Bormolini