College News & Events

FROM THE PRINCIPAL – The Feast of the Assumption

August 15, 2024

The unique blend of integrating academic excellence with spiritual growth sees Chisholm Catholic College foster an environment that has a sense of purpose and identity. Students are encouraged to develop a strong sense of community, service and social responsibility.

On the 15 August, the Catholic church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption – a significant feast in the liturgical calendar. This is a day the Catholic church designates as a Holy Day of obligation which requires Catholics to attend mass.

The Feast of the Assumption is important because it:

  • honours the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken up into heaven, body and soul, at the end of her earthly life
  • is seen as a sign of hope and a promise of the resurrection for all faithful Christians.
  • emphasises Mary’s closeness to God

Today, Chisholm students and staff celebrated Mass to honour the significance of this Holy Day and to help connect with their faith. By celebrating Mass, all in the congregation were provided with an opportunity to participate in this important tradition, deepen their understanding of Mary’s role in the Catholic faith and the promise of eternal life.

I sincerely thank Fr Ziggy Wloczek and Fr Mark Rucci for generously giving of their time to celebrate mass with us and, Mrs Wainwright, Mr Swindells and Mr Panizza for assisting with this special occasion.   

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and week ahead.

“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” — Saint Augustine.

Mr Rino Randazzo
Acting Principal

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