College News & Events


February 25, 2022

With the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 being detected in the community the chances of members of our own College being impacted also increases. Although we have only just experienced our second positive case for the year, the impact also impinges on that person’s family members and others who may have to be away from school as a precaution and whilst obtaining test results.

All of this means an inevitable increase in the disruption to attendance and the continuity of normal on campus schooling. I urge parents and families to discuss with their child about their preparedness for studying and working from home for a period if they are required to in the future. The clear objective from government and educational authorities is for students and staff to remain working at school as much as they possibly can, within the public health guidelines but it may be inevitable that some of that time may be disrupted for a period of 7 days or even longer so students need to be proficient at accessing their programmes and work details on their device through SEQTA or other electronic means provided by their teacher.

Thanks for your great support and efforts to date and let’s continue to hope and pray that the impacts are not on a large scale. 

Mr John Bormolini

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