College News & Events

Governor’s Prayer Breakfast

September 14, 2023

The Governor’s Prayer Breakfast is an annual event where state leaders join with the community in fellowship and prayer for Western Australia, displaying unity across the denominations.

Last Friday morning, our Head Boy Alex and Head Girl Sarah were lucky enough to attend the breakfast at the Crown Ballroom along with over 1000 other attendees.

The Keynote speaker for 2023 was John Wieland from Jerseyville, Illinois USA. John has faced many challenges and learnt many valuable life lessons, in business, family and faith and how all three influence each other. This led him to write the popular book “Uncommon Threads – Weaving a life through family, business, and faith”. Everybody at the breakfast walked away with their own copy of the book too! Attendees were inspired by his wisdom, humour and honesty as he openly shared how his life experiences as a son, a husband, a father, a businessman and a Christian are woven together to create something we call LIFE.

Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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