As we prepare for Holy Week and the Easter holidays (many of the fundamental ‘Holy Days’ of Christian faith) we reflect on the significance of the Lenten Season. Here at Chisholm we journeyed through Lent, COVID style. Restrictions in gathering, mask wearing and with significant absenteeism at times, changed the way we experienced the 40 days.
Here are a few of the key ways we recognised, celebrated and responded to the Season:
- Shrove Tuesday: pancakes were a hit! Our Social Justice Committee mobilised selling over 300 pancakes, which were generally smothered in nutella or honey, and allowed us to kick start our Project Compassion fundraising.
- Ash Wednesday: Ceremonies were conducted throughout the College in Pastoral Care Groups with the blessed Ashes distributed via the sprinkling over our heads by our senior Chisholm Ministers. The consistent message of Jesus’ preparation for entering Jerusalem together with the call to prayer, self-sacrifice and generosity were again part of the launch of Project Compassion, with this year’s theme being ‘For All Future Generations’.
- Representative Year Group Masses and Liturgy of the Word: Throughout Lent, our contained gatherings meant Year Group Masses were representational and ran concurrently. Pastoral Care Groups helped with Liturgy of the Word services focussing on Caritas Australia’s work and the call to support Project Compassion.
- Project Compassion Fundraising efforts ran throughout Lent at Chisholm: Whilst fewer and fewer students and staff tend to carry cash, many dug deep and were able to make generous personal and collective contributions. Some generous Pastoral Care Groups went out of their way to organise beautiful raffles or fundraising events which supported the cause. Special thanks to all involved.
- Stations of the Cross: This week throughout the College students and staff participated in the solemn, meditative prayer of the Stations of the Cross. These were pre-recorded by our Prefects and Assistant Prefects aiming at placing us there with Jesus through his arrest, suffering and dying on the Cross.
Each year at Chisholm we mark, teach and share in the importance of the Lenten Season. We then look forward to the 3rd day, Easter, and the reawakening of the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection, which restores fully our capacity to grow in relationship and love of Risen Saviour and Trinity God who calls us still.
Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission