College News & Events

Harmony Day at Chisholm

March 17, 2023

Today we celebrated Harmony Day. This is what the Head Boy and Head Girl had to say about the day:

Today, we embrace our shared differences, as we celebrate and encourage unity.

Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world. It is important that we continue to work hard to maintain this multiculturalism. Today is a day for all of us to reflect on not only what it means to be Australian, but the ways in which we promote harmony and acceptance in our own lives.

We are all fortunate to attend this amazing College with a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds. At Chisholm, we strive to appreciate the different cultures that make us the individuals we are. It is truly wonderful to see so many staff and students proudly wearing their cultural dress, national sporting jerseys or orange, the designated colour for Harmony Day. For those that are unaware, orange is the Harmony Day colour as it signifies communication and meaningful conversations between one another. It relates to the freedom and encouragement of mutual respect, which really is what Harmony Week is aiming to promote.

Harmony Day focuses on fostering inclusiveness and respect towards the idea that people of all cultures can make a valuable contribution to society.

On days like this, we acknowledge the simplest differences that surround us on a day-to-day basis. Apart from the obvious contrasts, such as our race, gender, age or beliefs, people generally want to belong to a meaningful community, where they feel they are treated equally and with respect. Today we focus on the College Value of Compassion, after all, we are called “to serve the needs of others to make our world a better place.” Regardless of our strengths and weaknesses, everyone should aim to “treat others the way you want to be treated”.

A huge thank you to the staff and students who really embrace this day and make it such a memorable occasion on our school calendar each and every year.

Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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