College News & Events

Harmony Day: Thursday 21 March (Week 1.8)

March 14, 2024

At Chisholm Catholic College, we are very proud of our multicultural school and heritage. We will celebrate Harmony Day next week, on Thursday 21 March.


  • Students are permitted to wear Casual dress, but staff and students are encouraged to wear their cultural dress or dress in orange, the National Harmony Day colour.
  • Casual dress needs to be appropriate (refer to Page 27 in Student Handbook) – modest tops (no midriffs); modest length of dresses/skirts/shorts. Students who are not wearing appropriate dress for school will be directed to their Head of Year.
  • Enclosed Footwear must be worn – thongs are not permitted. Students should be mindful of PE lessons on the day, where they should wear something appropriate for PE.
  • $2.00 will be collected from each student for wearing casual dress. Students can provide payment in PCG from Monday 18 March.


  • Thank you to all students who have been generously donating to Project Compassion during the Lenten period. Please continue to donate this term in PCG.
  • Our Social Justice Committee has been visiting PCGs selling orange ribbons, which students can wear for a coin donation in support of Harmony Day.


  • Our Harmony Day Assembly will be held in Period 1 on Thursday 21 March. It will commence with the Procession of National Flags representing our multicultural community at Chisholm and will conclude with the presentation of our ACC Swimming Team.
  • Students in cultural dress will be part of the Flags Procession.
  • There will be no Period 5 lesson on this day.

If you have any questions regarding Harmony Day, please contact your child’s PCA.

Mrs Fiona Millimaci
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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