College News & Events

Important Traffic Notices

June 22, 2022

We received a message from the Children’s Crossings Unit of the WA Police Force, that unfortunately the traffic wardens are unable to work for the next two weeks.

While replacements are being sought as soon as possible by the Crossings Unit, we urge parents/guardians to be extra careful in approaching the crossing on Beaufort Street for the safety of our students and please consider how your child can cross safely whilst the traffic wardens are absent.

If there are any members of the community who are interested in being trained by the WA Police to run this crossing, please click this link for more information.

Please also note that the corner Beaufort Street and Lawrence Street IS NOT a drop-off zone NOR is the Beaufort Street Bus Bay a pickup zone in the afternoon for students. Please adhere to the Drop Off/Pick Up Guidelines as the safety of our students and of our neighbours is paramount.

Ms Taniya Rodrigues
Deputy Principal – Community

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