College News & Events

Message of Thanks from Shopfront

September 9, 2021

I would like to express my thanks to the entire College community for the fantastic support they have offered to the Shopfront.

The COVID 4-day lockdown at the end of Term 2 meant that our collecting the food was delayed. The generosity, which I must say I have come to expect from Chisholm, is truly amazing. If I can share one example of where your food goes it would be of a lady who came in today. Mum and dad plus four children aged from 10 to 17. The father is on a Disability Pension and mum works two 4-hour shifts a week at the local service station. Thanks to the food from Chisholm we were able to offer cereal, milk, coffee, vegemite, 2-minute noodles, packets of pasta and pasta sauce, biscuits, muesli bars, tins of baked beans and cans of tomatoes, corn and some frozen meals. In addition to the food provided by Chisholm we were also able to provide loaves of bread and a packet of rolls. All in all there was enough food for the family to last almost a week. Her thanks and the joy and relief on her face was a delight to see.

Damian Walsh
Shopfront Director

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