On Thursday 5 August our team ‘fLAWless’ took on Wesley College at the Supreme Court, in Round 4 of the Mock Trial competition. This was the top 16 so we knew it would be a tough contest. We were defending our client, a young chess player who was accused of stealing a collectible golden chess piece from his workplace, a games store. There was only one eye-witness. We argued the witness was mistaken and the police investigation was flawed, but the judge obviously disagreed and found him “guilty”, and awarded very high scores of 150 to 161.
Although we lost and are now out of the competition for this year, the judge also commented that it was the highest standard he had seen in 12 years of judging the competition, quite the compliment! I would also like to make a special mention of Joshua who was nearly an emergency replacement on the day of the trial.
Thank you to the parent spectators. Special thanks must go to our Coach the Hon John McKechnie. The students have learned so much and developed a range of legal skills. We are very proud of every one of you.
The team includes:
Barrister 1 – Imogen Bowran, Year 10
Witness 1 – Hari-Priya Saha, Year 12
Barrister 2 – Ella Pyke, Year 10
Witness 2 – Nicole Nesbit, Year 10
Solicitor – Cassidy Doudakis, Year 10
Judge’s Associate – Caley Cermak, Year 10
Reserve – Joshua Monaghan, Year 12
Ms Clark and Miss Ranalli