College News & Events

Mock Trial Quarter-Final

August 31, 2023

After five rounds and competing since the start of Term 1, our Mock Trial Team “The Justice Gamers” have come to the end of a terrific run. We were beaten by Bob Hawke College both on the legal case and on points on Thursday 24 August at the Supreme Court. All team members took on the contest with confidence and showed they understood the legal case which involved a verbal contract confirmed by text message. It was fun to compete in Court Room 1, the biggest courtroom, and our team showed that they definitely deserved to be in the Quarter-Final as a top eight team. Well done to the whole team on an excellent season and a well fought Quarter-Final, particularly given the illnesses which affected almost all of the team over the past two weeks. Special mention to Georgia Carter who stepped in as first time Witness on the evening!

Thank you to all our supporters and spectators over the entire season. We had the most spectators again on the night, including Mrs Wainwright, Mrs Kastropil and Miss March-Anthony, plus family, friends and fellow students.

Throughout the season, our teams have been ably mentored by our Coach Hon John McKechnie KC and all the students have learnt many legal skills along the way.

We are very proud of all of you on your achievement, showing good sportsmanship, demonstrating court etiquette, dedication and competitive spirit.

Ms Natasha Clark & Miss Andrea Ranalli
Mock Trial Coordinators

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