College News & Events

Mock Trial Round 3

June 20, 2024

On Monday, our two Chisholm teams took on PLC at the Supreme Court of WA in Round 3 of the Law Society of WA’s Mock Trial Competition. This was the last of the open rounds.

It was a civil case involving negligence, with the plaintiff claiming compensation for injuries and loss caused by breach of duty of care of a party host. The incident involved a fall (or did he jump and yell ‘cannonball’?) into a pool. It was claimed there were too many guests, it was too crowded and there was alcohol, hence the host had not supervised his son’s party adequately, and this had caused the injuries. The defence claimed that there was adequate supervision, the guests snuck in alcohol, and the plaintiff was only injured through his own actions by getting intoxicated. Interestingly the two judges ruled differently. The Advocates as defence won the legal case, but narrowly lost on points 139-141. Law & Order M.O.C.K. as the plaintiff won the legal case but as it went overtime had to wait to find out the result – they won on points 131 to 125.

Considering the short preparation both our teams had (one week before exams and one week after), they both did remarkably in presenting a cohesive team approach and clear case theory. Well done to some students in first time roles including Madeleine Adams as Barrister 1 and Wyatt Dykmans as Solicitor.

We thank the many supporters who came on the night. To quote one spectator, It was great watching the students in action tonight. Well prepared, clear, precise argument and well spoken!’ As our Coach Hon John McKechnie AO KC said, we are very proud of both our teams.

We now wait to find out about which schools are finalists, which is announced early next term.

Ms Natasha Clark & Miss Andrea Ranalli

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